“what does success mean to you?”
She asked me over a matcha date last month.
As simple and as clear as the question was, it left me absolutely speechless.
(Yes, the woman of many words). Crickets!
You see this year I intentionally invested in brushing off burn out, healing bone deep, & realigning Lady Folk. All so that I could rise to my purpose, spread like wildfire, and EATTT.
Only to be: post brand launch, booked through the end of the year, locked arms with my dream clients, happy as hell, AND absolutely floored by a simple question.
I chewed on it for a minute or two before replying through teary eyes, “To me success is reflecting electric women back to themselves as they chase down their wildest dreams by helping them find their voice and tell their story.”
My sexy little mission statement (which always comes in handy when your awkwardly put on the hot seat!)
“And?”, Stacy encouraged. Knowing I had more to give.
“I want to be a mom. Raise my own to chase after their dreams as they navigate the beautiful and dammed in this world too.”
Byeee crickets. Hello waterworks. THERE. SHE. IS.
It took me saying it out loud to realize that in many ways I’ve been sourcing my expansion from an outdated blueprint that wasn’t genuine to my raw expression as a woman living in the present. & damn was it eye opening.
The truth is I would probably stumble through the question if asked again today. Because my roadmap to get to that place, my version of having it all, is ever evolving & filled with endless complexities.
But as messy as it is, I’m determined to no longer let growth be rooted in box checking, but intuition.
& that’s a good enough start.
Folks, whatever you want to be, whatever you want to do, WHATEVER success looks like to you… Whether you desire: an empire, a full passport, sisterhood, art making, open road chasing, 10k months, community, deep relationships, a legacy, babies.
All of it or none of it.
I hope you know that you don’t always have to be scaling & adding & operating in excess to be worthwhile or relevant.
That your version of success is just as beautiful and important as the woman next to you.